SMPP support in FreeSWITCH

Intro to SMPP

Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) is one of the most commonly used protocols for exchanging text messages outside the SS7 network. While it is common to have other SMS endpoints and delivery mechanisms, ITSPs and the like often request SMPP support, which can be implemented with Kannel, openBTS, or other applications as interfaces.

mod_smpp in FreeSWITCH

The FreeSWITCH module for SMPP, mod_smpp, exposes a basic subset of SMPP functionality. It is currently available in source, and will soon be available via packages. I wrote the module using an account with nexmo for interop testing. Nexmo documentation is available here:

Configuring mod_smpp

On a Debian Jessie server, download and install the SMPP library:

 cd /usr/src/
 git clone git://
 cd libsmpp34
 autoreconf -i
 ./configure && make && make install

From your FreeSWITCH source directory, pull the latest master, then rebuild with mod_smpp:


 # update modules.conf

 ./configure && make && make install

In your FreeSWITCH install config directory, update autoload_configs/modules.conf:

 <load module="mod_sms"/>
 <load module="mod_smpp"/>

Set up a gateway in autoload_configs/smpp.conf.xml

 <configuration name="smpp.conf" description="SMPP client and server Gateway">
     <gateway name="nexmo">
         <param name="host" value=""/>
         <param name="port" value="8000"/>
         <param name="debug" value="1"/>
         <param name="system_id" value="[username]"/>
         <param name="password" value="[password]"/>
         <param name="system_type" value="nexmo"/>

Restart FreeSWITCH.

Managing mod_smpp

Debugging is enabled by default, and if the gateway connection is successful, the FreeSWITCH console will periodically display PDU indications:

 2015-07-03 15:58:18.649771 [INFO] mod_smpp_utils.c:41 PDU
 command_length                [00000010] - [16]
 command_id                    [00000015] - [ENQUIRE_LINK]
 command_status                [00000000] - [ESME_ROK]
 sequence_number               [000042FB] - [17147]

 2015-07-03 15:58:18.649771 [INFO] mod_smpp_utils.c:41 PDU
 command_length                [00000010] - [16]
 command_id                    [80000015] - [ENQUIRE_LINK_RESP]
 command_status                [00000000] - [ESME_ROK]
 sequence_number               [00000049] - [73]

To disable debugging, toggle the debug param in autoload_configs/smpp.conf.xml from 1 to 0.

 <param name="debug" value="0"/>

Then in fs_cli:

 reload mod_smpp

Sending and Receiving Messages

Update the chatplan for inbound and outbound SMS, where 12065551234 represents your nexmo account DID and 1001 represents an extension registered to a Yealink deskphone.

 <context name="default">
   <extension name="smpp34_demo_in">
     <condition field="to_user" expression="^12065551234$"/>
     <condition field="from_user" expression="^(\d{11})$">
       <action application="set" data="to=1001@[local_fs_ip]"/>
       <action application="set" data="from=$1@[local_fs_ip]"/>
       <action application="set" data="proto="/>
       <action application="set" data="dest_proto=sip"/>
       <action application="set" data="final_delivery=1"/>
       <action application="info"/>
       <action application="send"/>

 <context name="public">
   <extension name="smpp34_demo_out">
     <condition field="from_user" expression="1001"/>
     <condition field="to_user" expression="^(\d{11})$">
       <action application="set" data="from_user=12065551234"/>
       <action application="set" data="final_delivery=1"/>
       <action application="info"/>
       <action application="smpp_send" data="nexmo"/>

Reload xml from fs_cli


Send a message from a cell phone (represented by 13605556789) to a registered phone by simply composing a text to your 11 digit DID (represented by 12065551234) and send as usual. This will be received by 1001 according to the chatplan.

 freeswitch@Quentus68594> 2015-07-03 15:41:41.649814 [INFO] mod_smpp_utils.c:41 PDU
 command_length                [0000003E] - [62]
 command_id                    [00000005] - [DELIVER_SM]
 command_status                [00000000] - [ESME_ROK]
 sequence_number               [000042C9] - [17097]
 service_type                  []
 source_addr_ton               [01]       - [TON_International]
 source_addr_npi               [01]       - [NPI_ISDN_E163_E164]
 source_addr                   [13605556789]
 dest_addr_ton                 [01]       - [TON_International]
 dest_addr_npi                 [01]       - [NPI_ISDN_E163_E164]
 destination_addr              [12065551234]
 esm_class                     [01]       - [1]
 protocol_id                   [00]       - [0]
 priority_flag                 [00]       - [0]
 schedule_delivery_time        []
 validity_period               []
 registered_delivery           [00]       - [0]
 replace_if_present_flag       [00]       - [0]
 data_coding                   [00]       - [0]
 sm_default_msg_id             [00]       - [0]
 sm_length                     [07]       - [7]
 short_message                 [from cell to yealink]

 2015-07-03 15:41:41.649814 [INFO] mod_smpp_gateway.c:294 Received message[5]:
 Event-Name: [MESSAGE]
 Core-UUID: [d28d64a0-21d3-11e5-be4a-b5497df8f7c0]
 FreeSWITCH-Hostname: [Quentus68594]
 FreeSWITCH-Switchname: [Quentus68594]
 FreeSWITCH-IPv4: []
 FreeSWITCH-IPv6: [2601:603:c01:97f0:64d4:31ff:fed7:6b51]
 Event-Date-Local: [2015-07-03 15:41:41]
 Event-Date-GMT: [Fri, 03 Jul 2015 22:41:41 GMT]
 Event-Date-Timestamp: [1435963301649814]
 Event-Calling-File: [mod_smpp_message.c]
 Event-Calling-Function: [mod_smpp_message_decode]
 Event-Calling-Line-Number: [126]
 Event-Sequence: [752]
 endpoint: [mod_smpp]
 sequence_number: [17097]
 command_status: [0]
 command_id: [5]
 smpp_gateway: [nexmo]
 proto: [smpp]
 source_addr_ton: [1]
 source_addr_npi: [1]
 from_user: [13605556789]
 dest_addr_ton: [1]
 dest_addr_npi: [1]
 to_user: [12065551234]
 data_coding: [0]
 profile: [default]
 Content-Length: 7

 from cell to yealink

 2015-07-03 15:41:41.649814 [INFO] mod_smpp_utils.c:41 PDU
 command_length                [00000011] - [17]
 command_id                    [80000005] - [DELIVER_SM_RESP]
 command_status                [00000000] - [ESME_ROK]
 sequence_number               [000042C9] - [17097]
 message_id                    []

 2015-07-03 15:41:41.649814 [INFO] mod_sms.c:336 Processing text message 13605556789->12065551234 in context default
 2015-07-03 15:41:41.649814 [INFO] mod_sms.c:463 CHANNEL_DATA:
 Event-Name: [MESSAGE]
 Core-UUID: [d28d64a0-21d3-11e5-be4a-b5497df8f7c0]
 FreeSWITCH-Hostname: [Quentus68594]
 FreeSWITCH-Switchname: [Quentus68594]
 FreeSWITCH-IPv4: []
 FreeSWITCH-IPv6: [2601:603:c01:97f0:64d4:31ff:fed7:6b51]
 Event-Date-Local: [2015-07-03 15:41:41]
 Event-Date-GMT: [Fri, 03 Jul 2015 22:41:41 GMT]
 Event-Date-Timestamp: [1435963301649814]
 Event-Calling-File: [mod_smpp_message.c]
 Event-Calling-Function: [mod_smpp_message_decode]
 Event-Calling-Line-Number: [126]
 Event-Sequence: [752]
 endpoint: [mod_smpp]
 sequence_number: [17097]
 command_status: [0]
 command_id: [5]
 smpp_gateway: [nexmo]
 source_addr_ton: [1]
 source_addr_npi: [1]
 from_user: [13605556789]
 dest_addr_ton: [1]
 dest_addr_npi: [1]
 to_user: [12065551234]
 data_coding: [0]
 profile: [default]
 max_forwards: [70]
 DP_MATCH: [13605556789]
 to: [1001@]
 from: [13605556789@]
 dest_proto: [sip]
 Content-Length: 7

 from cell to yealink

Send a message from the Yealink 1001 extension to the cell phone by going to Menu->Message->Text Message->New Message. Enter message, then set To: [mobile_number]

 2015-07-03 15:42:04.009785 [INFO] mod_sms.c:336 Processing text message 1001->13605556789 in context public
 2015-07-03 15:42:04.009785 [INFO] mod_sms.c:463 CHANNEL_DATA:
 Event-Name: [MESSAGE]
 Core-UUID: [d28d64a0-21d3-11e5-be4a-b5497df8f7c0]
 FreeSWITCH-Hostname: [Quentus68594]
 FreeSWITCH-Switchname: [Quentus68594]
 FreeSWITCH-IPv4: []
 FreeSWITCH-IPv6: [2601:603:c01:97f0:64d4:31ff:fed7:6b51]
 Event-Date-Local: [2015-07-03 15:42:04]
 Event-Date-GMT: [Fri, 03 Jul 2015 22:42:04 GMT]
 Event-Date-Timestamp: [1435963324009785]
 Event-Calling-File: [sofia_presence.c]
 Event-Calling-Function: [sofia_presence_handle_sip_i_message]
 Event-Calling-Line-Number: [4883]
 Event-Sequence: [755]
 login: [sip:mod_sofia@]
 proto: [sip]
 to_proto: [sip]
 from: [1001@]
 from_host: []
 to_user: [13605556789]
 to_host: []
 from_sip_ip: []
 from_sip_port: [5060]
 to: [13605556789@]
 subject: [SIMPLE MESSAGE]
 context: [public]
 type: [text/plain]
 from_full: ["1001" <sip:1001@>;tag=749800051]
 sip_profile: [internal]
 dest_proto: [sip]
 max_forwards: [70]
 DP_MATCH: [13605556789]
 from_user: [12065551234]
 final_delivery: [1]
 Content-Length: 6

 from yealink to cell
 2015-07-03 15:42:04.009785 [INFO] mod_smpp_message.c:76 Creating message from event:
 Event-Name: [MESSAGE]
 Core-UUID: [d28d64a0-21d3-11e5-be4a-b5497df8f7c0]
 FreeSWITCH-Hostname: [Quentus68594]
 FreeSWITCH-Switchname: [Quentus68594]
 FreeSWITCH-IPv4: []
 FreeSWITCH-IPv6: [2601:603:c01:97f0:64d4:31ff:fed7:6b51]
 Event-Date-Local: [2015-07-03 15:42:04]
 Event-Date-GMT: [Fri, 03 Jul 2015 22:42:04 GMT]
 Event-Date-Timestamp: [1435963324009785]
 Event-Calling-File: [sofia_presence.c]
 Event-Calling-Function: [sofia_presence_handle_sip_i_message]
 Event-Calling-Line-Number: [4883]
 Event-Sequence: [755]
 login: [sip:mod_sofia@]
 proto: [sip]
 to_proto: [sip]
 from: [1001@]
 from_host: []
 to_user: [13605556789]
 to_host: []
 from_sip_ip: []
 from_sip_port: [5060]
 to: [13605556789@]
 subject: [SIMPLE MESSAGE]
 context: [public]
 type: [text/plain]
 from_full: ["1001" <sip:1001@>;tag=749800051]
 sip_profile: [internal]
 dest_proto: [sip]
 max_forwards: [70]
 DP_MATCH: [13605556789]
 from_user: [12065551234]
 final_delivery: [1]
 Content-Length: 6

 from yealink to cell

 2015-07-03 15:42:04.009785 [INFO] mod_smpp_utils.c:41 PDU
 command_length                [00000040] - [64]
 command_id                    [00000004] - [SUBMIT_SM]
 command_status                [00000000] - [ESME_ROK]
 sequence_number               [00000018] - [24]
 service_type                  [SMS]
 source_addr_ton               [01]       - [TON_International]
 source_addr_npi               [01]       - [NPI_ISDN_E163_E164]
 source_addr                   [12065551234]
 dest_addr_ton                 [01]       - [TON_International]
 dest_addr_npi                 [01]       - [NPI_ISDN_E163_E164]
 destination_addr              [13605556789]
 esm_class                     [01]       - [1]
 protocol_id                   [00]       - [0]
 priority_flag                 [00]       - [0]
 schedule_delivery_time        []
 validity_period               []
 registered_delivery           [00]       - [0]
 replace_if_present_flag       [00]       - [0]
 data_coding                   [00]       - [0]
 sm_default_msg_id             [00]       - [0]
 sm_length                     [06]       - [6]
 short_message                 [from yealink to cell]

 2015-07-03 15:42:04.089785 [INFO] mod_smpp_utils.c:41 PDU
 command_length                [00000021] - [33]
 command_id                    [80000004] - [SUBMIT_SM_RESP]
 command_status                [00000000] - [ESME_ROK]
 sequence_number               [00000017] - [23]
 message_id                    [040000006946E822]


This module should allow FreeSWITCH users to set up an account with an SMPP provider like nexmo to send and receive messages. The original JIRA can be found here:, and you can learn more about SMS in a previous post: sms-support-in-freeswitch

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